Yesterday was a really great day. Although it was April fools, it is no joke that we went to court and got parental rights for McCallum! Many people have asked me what it is like to go to court for an adoption... so here's our story...
We had an appointment with Judge Kate Toomey at 9:30 am. So we got up early, got in our Sunday best, and drove to the SLC court house. We were there early in hopes of getting in front of the judge before other cases--adoptions are very short so often times they will take care of them before everything else. When we got to the court room, there was a note on the door stating that our judge was not in. We were reassigned to a new judge, Judge Dever. We had to wait for another hearing to finish before we could enter the court. When we entered, an officer said, "all rise." Just like judge Judy:) Judge Dever took his bench and we were seated. From there our attorney, Mike, began introducing the case as well as us by full legal name. He introduced our case worker and her title. He told the judge the steps that we took to prove that we were fit to be parents. Presented him with the home studies. and explained that everything was done legally by the case worker.
Next they had Jared and I stand and be sworn in. Just like the movies, we raised our right hands and "swore to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God." Then we were seated and questioned.
Jared went first... "when were you married?"
"Do you love McCall?"
"Do you plan on remaining married?"
"Do you accept McCallum as your own natural born child?"
"God forbid you should ever be divorced, but if you should ever, do you accept responsibility for McCallum as if he were your natural born child?"
Then they had Jared sign a paper stating these same things. Next, it was my turn...
"Do you love Jared?"
"Do you love McCallum"
"What do you think about this adoption?"
"in case of a divorce do you accept the responsibility of McCallum as if he were your natural child?"
"What is the name you have chosen for the child?"
"Is this the name you wish to have printed on the birth certificate?" Then I signed a paper confirming my testimony as well as a document stating all of the financial costs of the adoption.
Next, the judge said a lot of mumbo-jumbo and signed a paper confirming that he accepted what was presented. He granted us Parental Custody, and congratulated us!! We asked if we could take a picture with him. He was so sweet. You could tell that he is a grandpa!! He said, "I would be offended if you didn't take one." He came down from his bench and took McCallum from Jared without question, wiped the drool from his chin and took a few pictures with us. He was so AWESOME!!
So that's what it is like to be pregnant for me. It starts when we pick up the child at the hospital and ends when a judge names us as parents and has our names put on a birth certificate. We jump through a number of hoops in between. We have to go through extensive background checks, home check, and doctor visits. We submit all of our personal information from finances to height and weight. Then we have to wait a minimum of 6 months before going to court. In the end we pay an insane amount for a paper with a blue stamp on it! Crazy!! It's worth it though! There is no other way that I know! To be honest, I think enduring several hours of intense labor is harder! I'm not sure I would trade even if I could! My hat's off to all of you who do that! That's CRAZY!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That had to have been the most amazing day for you guys!! I am so glad that the day went so well and your judge was so nice!! I am so happy for your family!
I'm so happy for you and your beautiful little family!! We miss you guys so much! let us know if you are ever down this way we would love to get together
I'm glad that things went well for you guys! Congratulations again!
How exciting! I'm so happy that everything went well at the court but I can't wait for him to be sealed to you guys!
I am SO glad it is official! McCallum is a lucky little boy to get to join your family, and you guys are pretty lucky too:) Congratulations!!
Hooray!!! Congrats! So excited for you to be sealed this weekend. Hope it's a wonderful day!
Congrats! That's awesome. And your hair looks fabulous too!
CONGRATS! I am so glad he is officially yours! So happy for you guys!
And Ryan is such a sweetie! I love how much she loves the temple. She must have awesome parents! ;)
I LOVE that picture! Ps your hair is AMAZING in this picture. Never change it.
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