Thursday, March 6, 2008

belly button

It's oficial now that Ryan has a belly button! A few days ago the scab on her tummy finally fell off to reveal a very cute and very innie belly button!
The rest of the week has been a little crazy! Jared and I are tag teaming a lot! When he is at school I am at home. When Jared gets home I go to work! I don't know how long this will last but we'll see.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tub Time!!

We gave Ryan her second tub the other day. We were a littl nervous about it though because the first one didn't go so well. The first tub Ryan got she really used her lungs--she just does not like being cold at all!! So this time we tried a suggestion of a some friends who are also new parents. They said that they use a hair dryer to keep warm air on their little girl and she loves it. So we gave it a try and it worked! Ryan was rolling her little eyes in the back of her head she liked it so much!!