Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tub Time!!

We gave Ryan her second tub the other day. We were a littl nervous about it though because the first one didn't go so well. The first tub Ryan got she really used her lungs--she just does not like being cold at all!! So this time we tried a suggestion of a some friends who are also new parents. They said that they use a hair dryer to keep warm air on their little girl and she loves it. So we gave it a try and it worked! Ryan was rolling her little eyes in the back of her head she liked it so much!!


Dave said...

Hey guys! Thanks for the blog invite. Congrats on the little girl! We had our own last July, and that was the motivation for my wife starting a blog for us, too. You can find Shelly, Hannah and me at

Enjoy parenthood!
--Dave Stoddard from Rochester, NY

Dave said...

PS Thought you might be amused to know that our mutual friend Wesley is also married, a parent, and a blogger, and his blog is entitled, coincidentally, "A Bushel and a Peck!" However, it's much less gay for you to name your blog for a showtune than it is for him, McCall :)
See for youself:

Salty Gal said...

So cute! I love the updates....she is cute, it's so fun to see you guys as a mommy and daddy :)