Thursday, March 10, 2011

3 yr and 6 mo Visit

I took both of the kids to see the doctor this week. I have to admit, I was terribly nervous to take both at one time. However, I was pleasantly surprised! Normally Ryan would freak at the sight of anyone in scrubs. She would cry and be as uncooperative as humanly possible. However, this visit was much better. She was such a big girl. She did everything they asked her to. She even put her own band aid on after they gave her a shot! She did cry a little, but not much! I was so proud!!

Ryan's measurements:

Weight: 34.5 lbs (75%)
Height: 37.8" (50%)

McCallum's measurements:

Weight: 17.5 lbs (50%)
Height: 27" (75%)
Head: 17" (25%)

McCallum was such a big boy! He is just growing so much! I have started to put him into 9 month clothes! He thinks that he can crawl! He can, slowly. But it takes a lot of effort to get only a few feet, so he doesn't go far...Yet!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Lincoln & McCallum are almost the same weight :) I love our chunky boys!