Monday, January 10, 2011


We recently went to McCallum's 4 Month doctor's visit. I can hardly believe how big he is now! His head was 16.3 cm which is small, or the 25% for his age. He weighed in at 15.3 pounds! That's a lot heavier than I was anticipating. This weight lands him in the 75% group. However it was his height that blew me away. Remember, Mac's birth mother was only 4' 11" so I was thinking he would be on the smaller end. However he measured in the 90th percentile for height. He is 26"! Big boy!! I think he's so big because he eats like his dad! This little boy puts away 6 oz every three hour with or without rice cereal in it! He is such a big eater! Some times he will even take down a tub of solids before taking down a 4-6 oz bottle! Little piggy!

McCallum is also a member of the Solid eating team! He is enjoying his foods too! He loves sweet potatoes, carrots (as seen here), squash, apples, bananas, peaches... and will enjoy more as time goes on I'm sure!


Lane, Amanda, and Mason said...

Wow he's getting SO big!! I can't believe he's on solids its NUTS how fast they grow!!

Marie said...

So cute! I want to see him for real:) He is a big boy, future football player maybe...miss you guys!

Wendy said...

SO adorable McCall! Isn't it SICK how fast they grow?! I hate it!

Trav and Amanda said...

Gosh he's growing so fast! We miss you guys! It looks like you're doing so great though!

Angie said...

He is adorable! It's so much fun we have boys the same age, we will need to get together sometime!