Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Napping Book Worm

The other day we put McCallum down for his nap.  Needless to say, he did not want to go down just yet.  Rather than let him up I just told him not to get out of his bed or he would be in trouble.  I then came upstairs and ignored his screaming.  Generally he settles down within a matter of minuets.  A few minuets after I had come up Ryan came into my room and said: "Mom, I know how to settle Mac down for his nap.  I just gave him a book and told him to read it in his bed.  Then he can just fall asleep with his book."  I told her that I thought she was the best sister in the world, and the smartest girl ever!  It had worked.  Mac was no longer screaming or trying to get out of his nap.

Later I went down to wake McCallum up so we could go to dinner.  This is what I found...
Mac had taken Ryan's advice.  He fell asleep reading his book.  I couldn't help laughing.  It was so cute!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

How cute! Great idea. Someone told me that they weren't allowed to leave their beds at naptime but their mom said they could read and read until it was time to wake up if they didn't want to sleep...usually I'm sure they fell asleep - not a bad idea!!!